Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heavy heart

First of all, let me say...I am SICK of SNOW!!! We have had more than our fair share the last week and I am SO over it! I would love to see the green or, well, brown grass in my yard! :)

On another note...a sad note. I have a heavy heart today. You know those stories, the ones that just hit too close to home and occupy your thoughts often? Well, we learned yesterday of a tradgic car accident in Springfield. A young mother (29) with her two children, ages 6 & 4 were driving on the snow covered road when she lost control. Ultimately, the mother passed on impact while her children witnessed the most horrific event of their lives. Later in the day, we learned that we knew the young mother. Tater & I attended a storytime regularly at a local toy store, Gold Minds . It was one of our most favorite things to do each week. Tater gets to run through the store which has the most unique fun, educational toys...ever and then we got to listen to Miss Crystal read stories.

You know those people you meet, who instantly you have a connection with? Well, she was one of those people. She always knew Tater's name the minute he walked in and would greet him with a huge hello and smile. She had a way of making him feel special. And well, if you make my kid feel special, then I think your pretty special. She had a contagious laugh and a huge spirit that filled the room. She was so animated while reading her stories, all the kids were intent on listening to her. We sang songs, and danced and she would get right in there with our kids and lead them in all these activities. Such a fun person.

It's too bad that her young life ended so abruptly and tradgically. I am reminding myself often that God has a plan, even if it's really hard to understand. So, if you have a minute, please say a prayer for those two young children who witnessed the unthinkable yesterday, pray that God erases the bad they saw yesterday and replaces it with the loving, beautiful memories they have of their mother. Pray that their father can get through this time and be the daddy they need right now. Oh, and if your in Springfield, go to Gold Minds during the next week and 30% of their proceeds will go to the family! How awesome is that! Thanks blogger friends. And give your sweet kids an extra hug & kiss, and your hubbies too. I know I have.