Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another friend for Tater!

Well, the future Mrs. has arrived. Our very best friends, Mark & Marci welcomed their little girl into the world on February 8, 8lbs, 7oz. 21.5 inches. We have been teasing since the day we found out she was a girl that the name needed to go well with our last name, because these two are destined to be together ;) But, now we've just decided no matter what, they will be GREAT friends! She's beautiful and I can only hope that her and Tater's friendship is as long lasting and wonderful as mine and Marci's.

She is my oldest & dearest friend. Yep, our mothers were pregnant with us at the exact same time and well, the rest is history. We've been there for each other through a lot. I find her one of the most amazing women. She has lost both of her siblings at young ages and yet still is one of the strongest Christians I know. She's a great mother, wife and friend, and I'm lucky to be one.

So right now, she is weighing heavy on my heart. We couldn't be happier for her and Mark and their new addition, but also I'm aching for her. The baby is currently in the NICU for fluid in her lungs and low blood oxygen. She is improving and her outlook is great, but I can't help but feel for her and the days she will endure the life of the NICU. As many of you know, my little Tater spent 5 loooong days in the NICU for hypoglycemia, birth depression & acidosis (official diagnosis). I still spend time reminiscing over those days, because it was such an impactful moment in our life. Tater couldn't be healthier now, but remembering back to those first few days, he was very sick, and I was very sad that I couldn't be with him, espescially after carrying him for nine months. So that is why Marci is heavy on my heart, because I understand her aching to hold and love on that new gift. If you would, please say a little prayer for their sweet girl. We said earlier, that one day her and Tater can swamp NICU stories...see the connection is already starting :)

Since I know you only look at my blog for cute pictures of Tater ;) here is him and his latest idea of "fun."

1 comment:

  1. I think that I'm the lucky one to have a friend that would give up time at work to come and sit with an emotional crazy woman. Thank you so much for everything you did yesterday. It was great to have someone who understood what I was going through. Love you!
