Thursday, March 10, 2011

I feel it coming to an end.

Yep, I am thinking about leaving the blogging world. It's too time consuming. That's all I have to say tonight...I'll be thinking about it. Of course with a little begging, I'm sure you could convince me to stay, then at least I know someone out there is interested in our life :) It is a wonderful, blessed life! Nite nite!


  1. I know it is so hard to keep up. I do still check your blog. Have you been able to see mine? Hope you guys are doing well.


  2. This has been a wonderful history of you, David and Tater's life, from the beginning. I would hate to see you give this up. I make copies of the pages ever so often and it's a wonderful journel. It has to be very time consuming, but I check in on it and some of my friends do too. I would understand, but would hate to see you let it go. Ginny
