Friday, November 20, 2009


Tater is fast approaching 5 mths old. Still seems like yesterday, really that we found out he was on his way. He is really a happy baby and very easy going which makes me feel so blessed. As this wonderful season begins, I am finding myself more blessed everyday and thankful for so much. I can't wait to share this holiday season with my new family! It feels so much more complete to have him in our lives and I have this need to make everything simple and special for him. Even though Thanksgiving is a week away, I'm ready to put up the Christmas tree, hang the stockings and decorate! Maybe we'll get on that whole decorating thing this weekend since we have no big plans! Makes my heart sing, to have no major commitments!

We still desperatly need to switch out our closet, should be easy for me, since it will consist of putting away the maternity clothes and hanging up the few pieces of clothing I have. Oh well, I did say I was trying to keep things simple, right? Who needs a closet full of the latest fashion? Actually I have a closet like that, in the basement anyway, none of which fit at the moment. So really the switching is more for David, so he doesn't have to live out of two closets.

On another note, we traded in our super cute sporty little SUV (with only two cupholders) for a much larger rugged SUV that comes fully equipped with 12 cupholders! I can easily fit a stroller and a slew of groceries in the back, yippeee! So much happier with this decision.


  1. I can't believe he is 5 months old!! Such a cutie! It's funny how Holidays change you when you have kiddos. Keep on blogging, I love to keep up with you guys since we're not neighbors anymore.

  2. He is so stinken cute!!! Looks like he is a happy baby, you make a great Mom!

  3. Love that first picture of you guys in front of that ornamental grass. Was this a professional photographer?? :-) I'm finally getting on here after I lost the site address and then found it again. It's officially saved now. I'm glad we got to have some hangout time with your little man today!
