Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Half way to a year!

I have so much to post, but because it's been crazy in our life, I'll start with Tater turning 6 months old. It seems like a milestone, maybe a small one, but I felt it was worth celebrating. A friend of mine gave me the idea to celebrate 1/2 birthdays, so we did! Remember when you were young, you were always sure to add in that 1/2, like when someone asked you how old you were, didn't you always reply, "I'm 5 and a half?" It is momentous in a child's life to add in that 1/2, because it means you're halfway to being a year older!

I didn't really know how I wanted to celebrate and since Tater had been really under the weather, we just kept it very simple. Daddy brought home a little cake and we gave Tater 1/2 of a cake. NO, he did not eat it! What kind of mother do you think I am? But, we did let him smash his little hands all in it and then once they started heading to his mouth, got him all cleaned up. We really didn't think this through, because it was a much bigger mess that we anticipated, but Tater had fun and dove right in to make a huge mess.

Enjoy some pics of Tater's 1/2 birthday and I'll update you on Christmas later, it was great!

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