Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas = FUN!

Well, finally getting some pics from Christmas on here. It was great. Even though Tater was under the weather. He still loved being around all his family, cousins & friends. Here is a timeline in pictures of our 1st Christmas as a family :)

Christmas Eve-Eve after we returned from the Dr. with an ear infection. Just getting prepped for the activities.

Tater trying to get Wiley & Tucker in the holiday spirit.

Christmas Eve morning. Tater loved all his presents from mommy & daddy. He was a blast, loved opening everything and really acted interested in each present. It was adorable and an awesome memory we will cherish forever.

Christmas Eve festivities at Grandma & PaPa's. He charmed everyone. We had our traditional italian feast. As many of you know my beloved Grandma Ann passed away a few months ago and she was as italian as they get & the best cook. I think we did her proud, everything was delicious!

Our traditional Christmas Eve picture made better this year with Tater!

Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, nother tradition we've done since I was little. It's always a race to blow out the candles first.

Tater had enough Christmas. I think he was ready for Santa.

Christmas morning. Tater was up all night, either from his lingering ear infection or being so excited that Santa was coming, who knows? But, Santa came and brought Woody from Toy Story and a new drum!

Tater playing Santa. Isn't he cute? Once all his cousins arrived Christmas morning, we opened presents, ate breakfast and went home so we could all take a nap and get Tater feeling better.

The day after Christmas we drove to Columbia to be with Tater's other Grandma & PaPa, aunt, cousin & Great Granny & Grandpa.

We ended the day with some more pictures, go figure :) Tater with his cousin, it was his 1st Christmas too, he's 6 weeks older than Tater. They'll be great pals.

We went home that night so Tater could get a good night rest and get better. He's now all healed from the yucky ear infection and cute as ever.

1 comment:

  1. He looks precious in every single adorable outfit!!! Love it!! Thanks again for helping me out tomorrow Kelley. See you then!
