Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beach Baby!

I feel like I have SO much to post, but, I'll just start with Tater's 1st Vacation! He was a maniac! He had a blast! Everyone LOVED him. He charmed them ALL! Mommy needs a vacation, from her vacation, that is how much time was spent watching over him like a hawk! No, I'm just kidding, I did get some R&R too :-) Let's just say no where we went was even slightly baby-proofed...NOTHING! Our hotel was in concrete heaven and was built in the 50's, but we did our best and he stayed safe...shew!

Tater LOVED the beach...after about 3 days. It took that much time to "warm" up to it. After he did, he had waves crashing in his face, sand up to his knees and a BIG smile the whole time. It was so cool to experience all of this with him. I have been to this same beach/hotel since I was 7, so there are LOTS of great memories and to share all my favorite things with him there, was priceless. We joined 55+ of our family members for one week of beach bliss. David and my cousin won the annual paddleball tournament once again :) (long story, but it's a HUGE deal in our family & they don't win unless David is there...ever, so when they do, they really rub it in) They've actually gone so far as to have a dinner show we attended announce them as the winners! There is a trophy and everything, with names engraved...silly, but funny too.

Tater has grown up a lot in two weeks. Being with him every second of every day, I could see some big changes. He has started saying his first real word (other than mama & dada), actually associating it with something...Ball. David thinks its ironic, I think he's crazy. No hunny this doesn't mean he is going to be a star, although he might be ;) He's mimicking everything we do, also started saying PaPa, he's getting around on those two feet pretty well and has developed quite the personality, can we say determined & persistent? Wonder where he gets that from? :)

Well enough chatter, here's some pics of our trip. I took over 1000 pictures (I know crazy, huh?) so these are a few of my favorites.

He's not stupid...wherever this suitcase is going, I'm going with it!

Notice Tater laying on the ground :-) Center of attention.

And...the 2010 Paddleball winners :-0 See I told you there was a trophy, there are 10 years of names engraved on it.

Tater, his g-ma & his great-great aunts. These are my g-ma Ann's sisters. Spending time with them this week was as close to be with my g-ma as I could get. It was wonderful, they are very special & they adored Tater.

Not crazy about the sand or ocean, he warmed up eventually.

The Fab Five, can you tell they have been in the sun all summer?

Tater kept pushing David's face towards mine, over & over, it was cute.

And last but not favorite picture. Loving the sand & all.

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