Monday, October 18, 2010

A new level of busy

I'm coming up for AIR! Oh. My. Goodness. The level of busy that I've been at, is a whole new level for me. Let's just say, 65 homemade Halloween costumes and 5 (yes, 5!!!) contracts later, I'm wiped! Tater has missed his mommy, and I have missed him! So, the costumes were a HUGE success and I'm already gearing up for next year (in my mind) and have a couple of new ideas that will bring in some extra cash. Dave Ramsey would be proud :-) The real estate market in my world has been ninety to nothing and I've been teased at work how quickly you can go from the outhouse to the penthouse. I don't care, I'll take it! I feel incredibly blessed by all this success. Now I'm ready to go back to being boring and having nothing to do. Oh wait. The holidays are coming up, so no chance of that! I'll be around more unless my clients continue to think it's a good time to buy/sell!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

15 Month Stats

Can you believe Tater is already 15 months old! He's busy. Busy getting into everything he's not supposed to! Our living room officially looks like we run a daycare and that has prompted me to declare my office as Tater's playroom. Just as soon as I'm through with my new Halloween costume business :) I decided we have three rooms, hardly used to their potential and one overflowing living room, it's just time. So, I'm now starting to find little things to put in this new playroom, so Tater will think it's FUN and maybe I can keep it as a room I won't want to shut the door on everytime we have company. It may be a playroom, but it's got to look presentable :)

So, Tater went Friday for his 15 month check-up. Following a week of bronchitis, he was not real happy to be at the doctor...again. You think he would be used to it, but I think he sensed he was getting those dreaded shots. So here's the latest stats:

Weight: 24.10lbs (50%)
Height: 31.5" (75%)
Head: ugh, I can't remember! (60%)

Anyway, still growing like a weed and happy as ever! He's enjoying climbing a lot lately, turning light switches off/on and pulling Wiley & Tucker's ears!

Campbell Farm

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