Monday, January 17, 2011

18 month stats

Tater had his 18 month check-up the other day. I'm happy to report that he has been doing awesome. The weird every 3-week fevers he was getting for quite some time have subsided, ear infections still occur frequently, even with tubes, but they are way easier to treat. He was defiantly more aware of where he was this time and what was lurking in his future...shots!

He did great though, took it like a champ. The little trooper he is. Here's his stats:
Weight: 25.11 lbs. - 50%
Height: 34 inches - 95% (although we think they measured him wrong)
Head circumfence - I don't remember! I know, terrible mother.

There isn't a lot he can't do at the moment. He is B-U-S-Y!! Keeps us on our toes at all times. He can keep a beat to music, and his started to mimic just about everything we do. Great. Guess we better watch ourselves ;)

He's very loving, cuddly (I love), and enjoys watching Handy Manny or "manny" as he calls it. He's also very responsible, throwing away "trash," making sure Wiley has food in his bowl and picking up his toys. He loves to climb, everything! Spin in circles, weird! and can say way more words than I can count. He is very analytical, so far pretty patient and has great focus. He enjoys reading books and is obsessed with playing with his kitchen he got from Christmas. He makes us cookies several times a night and he'll even pretend to eat them...way cute. He is super smart (and I'm not saying it because I'm partial)!

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