Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy 2011!!!

Wow, it is true. The older you get, the faster time goes. We had a wonderful Christmas. Lots of new memories were made and I love to make memories! I get it from my mom, she always wanted everything to be a memory and many time would say (when things weren't going as planned) "Oh well, we're making a memory!" She was right, most memories I have were off the wall things and never completely picture perfect. That is what makes them special.

We celebrated Tater's half birthday on the 23rd. He enjoyed a Christmas cupcake this year and loved every bite. We also let him open one present, just to spread out the Christmas joy.

For Christmas, we spent lots of time with family, celebrated Jesus's birthday and we opened lots of presents, Tater enjoyed opening his and everyone elses gifts. Really into ripping that paper up! His favorite gift was from Santa, of course. His very own wooden kitchen which he adores. He makes us cookies daily, actually multiple times a day and tells me over and over again, "It's hot" with a cute little lisp.

We spent New Years Eve doing...NOTHING! Welcome to the life with children :) We were alright with that. Had Tater's best friend Ethan over for pizza and playing, then it was off to bed for Tater while we watched a movie and barely stayed awake to ring in the New Year. It will get exciting again, someday.

Now were on the hunt to find a new gym where the plan is to go workout. So far, we've visited several but haven't pulled the trigger. It's a big commitment. Most make you sign a one year contract! I don't want to put my money somewhere I'm not going to be happy with. We were offered a free pass to one, so I think we'll go try that out and then take the plunge. I'm excited. I'm ready to have more energy. That's my goal. I know the weight loss and feeling better about myself will come with that, but right now, momma needs energy to keep up with a running, stumbling, climbing, temper tantrum (only occasionally) throwing 18 month old!

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