Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rollin, Rollin, Rollin!

We've hit another milestone people! Tater rolled over for the first and second time last night. When he did it, David and I cheered as if it was the most wonderful thing we had ever saw, he was like, "what is all the excitement about?"

Tomorrow, he is officially 3 months old! So hard to believe! We are more in love with him everyday! He's showing us all the time that he is growing and learning. He has suddenly decided he would no longer like to be swaddled. Daddy and I are very hesitant of this, since we have swaddled him pretty much from day one. I guess we'll let you know how it goes, tonight is the first night we have put him to bed without it. He has also discovered Baby Einstein (thanks to mommy) and he is in absolute awe of these videos. We only have one right now and he loves it! This particular video talks in lots of different languages, interesting and annoying because we have no idea what language they are speaking in, nor what they are saying! But seriously, if you've never seen a Baby Einstein video prepare to be amazed. They are the most basic videos with the most simple things and yet it captures the attention span of a 3 month old for 30 min. If only I had thought of it!

Next week is a big week, Cole starts going to his new "school" on Tuesday's and Thursday's. We searched high and low for the perfect person and I think we've come close. I am praying that Miss Heather finds my little man charming and loveable and that she takes really good care of him. I am also praying for myself, because this means I will be starting back to work and at the moment I have nothing in my "real estate funnel." Hoping this transition is easier than I'm making it out to be.


  1. Hey girl! I found you! Yah! I can't believe he rolled over. He's getting so big already! Let's do a playdate next week!
