Saturday, October 31, 2009


I'm still in shock! Tater slept ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Holy Moley!! I'm talking an entire 12 hours! 8:30 pm to 8:30 am. He awoke happy and goofy and of course ready to eat! Now for momma on the other hand, I was awake much of the night anticipating him waking up any minute.

See the night before we expermimented with the "Cry It Out" method. It was rough, real rough, he wasn't the only one who shed some tears. I can't say we failed, but I'm not sure we were successful either. He cried, well more like whined, for about and hour and a half. Of course we kept checking on him and eventually after he was quite for a little while fed him. David and I think he was on to us, because we were really prepared for last night, we had a plan to go in at 30 seconds, 1, 5, 10 & 20 minutes for as long as it took him to go back to sleep all on his own, but we didn't have to, he chose for himself to just sleep and unswaddled even. Crazy!

Today is Halloween and I can tell you he makes the cutest sack of Taters ever! Sleep well everyone!

Monday, October 26, 2009

4 Months Old

Tater had is 4 month check-up today. He's doing great! He was so brave getting his shots & so were mommy & daddy who got their H1N1 vaccine :-)

Here's his current stats:
16lbs. 11oz.
26.5 inches long
He's in the 75% on weight, height & head circumference.

Yes, he's a big boy, but well proportioned and slightly above average. What can I say, I grow a healthy boy! He's still nursing well and has discovered his voice and feet in the last week. Were still struggling with sleeping at night and still praying that he learns to sleep through the night.

We've been interviewing lots of new potential babysitters and thought we had decided on one until today. We got the call we have been waiting for. A church daycare whose wait list we have been on for quite a while has an opening! Woohoo!! We're going first thing tomorrow to check it out and if we approve he can start asap.

We're also in the process of planning Tater's baptism. We had settled on a date, but it's difficult to choose a date that works for us and all our family, so now we are trying to find a new date. Hoping to have the date nailed down in the next couple of days and hoping that he still fits in the cute little outfit I bought for him to wear on his special day.

Mommy is still taking the photography class, here are some "practice" shots I took the other day.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Back on the hunt

Well I guess all good things must come to an end, but in this case, it didn't last very long. Tater started going to his new babysitter, Miss Heather about 3 wks. ago and it has been great. She is wonderful and he comes home every day with a progress report and an arts and craft project. He's already painted, held a crayon and made a cute little handprint project all which are displayed on our refrigerator. Well, last week Miss Heather informed us she has decided to take a directors position at a local daycare and we are just bummed :( It was really hard to find her and we are just starting get into a new groove and now were back on the hunt for a new babysitter and a new routine. Yuck! We've interviewed a couple ladies and just aren't "sold" on either of them yet. No fun at all! Praying that the next perfect babysitter presents herself soon.

I've been busy with work, yes, work. And am hoping that a contract is in my near future to replenish our bank account. We are on the hunt also for a new car. Love the car we currently have, it's just too small to hold all this baby stuff and groceries at the same time. Not to mention the lack of cup holders!

Halloween is right around the corner and I've created a costume for Tater that is so fitting. Can you guess what it is? It's a sack of Taters! So far I've sewed up a sack and made some taters out of panty hose. Tomorrow we're going to stencil the sack so it will read "Jacobson #1 Taters." I'm impressed with my creativity and am hoping that it actually turns out to look like a sack of taters and that people aren't looking at him wondering what the heck he is. We also have a cute little lion costume for when we are passing out candy. I promise some really cute pics when it's all complete. Good night!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The latest style

Tater is just now fitting into his 3-6 month clothes. They are still a little big, but I'm sure he'll grow out of them soon enough! If you haven't been paying attention to the latest style for little boys, let me share with you what it is...Racoons, rascals and cute little booties! Our little Tater is up on the latest styles. We wouldn't want him to be "last season." Here are a few pics of our cute little rascal sporting the latest style.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cuter every day

Tater gets cuter every day! Taking pictures of him has become somewhat of an addiction. I was the lucky recipient of his first laugh the other day. I don't know what I did to get it, and I wish I did, because we haven't had another since. David was bummed that he didn't get it out of him first, but what can I say? Tater thinks his mommy is really funny :)
He is a really good baby, so far he seems to be really laid back. We went to his cousins football game this evening and he just sits and watches the whole time. Obviously he will be like his dad and enjoy football. He will even sit and stare at the game on TV!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

It was a success!

Tater's first day of "school" was a success! We didn't quite make it at 9am, but rather 9:30, pretty good if you ask me. I dropped him off, gave Miss Heather a quick rundown of Tater's schedule and then left him happy and smiling. Then I got in my car and drove away as the tears started rolling. I was sad to leave him and also happy at the same time to have a little me time. I was very unproductive. Since I was feeling a little down, I did the one thing that usually cheers me right Tater now has several new books and a couple of toys the Parents as Teachers lady recommended. As for me, well I tried to buy something for myself, but after trying on a bunch of clothes left empty handed. Had lunch with my mom and some friends and then went for my much anticipated massage.

Holy cow it was awful! How can a massage be awful you ask? The two words massage and awful don't even belong in the same sentence, but in this case it was true! The lady was nice, but smelled of a nasty covered up smoke smell, it was hot and there was NO privacy! Seriously, it was in a hallway with dividers between me and the next person and she left the curtain open while I was being massaged. There was no relaxing. I just couldn't wait for it to get over. I left feeling like I needed to go jump in the shower, yuck! I will not be recommending this place where students practice their techniques. Next time I will not go for the budget massage!

I ended my day with my first photography class. Yes, we got the camera! You know, the fancy camera I talked about in an earlier post. It is awesome and I can't quit taking pictures of my cute little model. But, I'm frustrated because this fancy camera has lots of buttons and things I have no clue what they are. So, I decided to learn something new and sign up for a class at the community college. I'll be professional in no time! I promise to post some new pics soon.