Monday, October 26, 2009

4 Months Old

Tater had is 4 month check-up today. He's doing great! He was so brave getting his shots & so were mommy & daddy who got their H1N1 vaccine :-)

Here's his current stats:
16lbs. 11oz.
26.5 inches long
He's in the 75% on weight, height & head circumference.

Yes, he's a big boy, but well proportioned and slightly above average. What can I say, I grow a healthy boy! He's still nursing well and has discovered his voice and feet in the last week. Were still struggling with sleeping at night and still praying that he learns to sleep through the night.

We've been interviewing lots of new potential babysitters and thought we had decided on one until today. We got the call we have been waiting for. A church daycare whose wait list we have been on for quite a while has an opening! Woohoo!! We're going first thing tomorrow to check it out and if we approve he can start asap.

We're also in the process of planning Tater's baptism. We had settled on a date, but it's difficult to choose a date that works for us and all our family, so now we are trying to find a new date. Hoping to have the date nailed down in the next couple of days and hoping that he still fits in the cute little outfit I bought for him to wear on his special day.

Mommy is still taking the photography class, here are some "practice" shots I took the other day.

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