Saturday, October 31, 2009


I'm still in shock! Tater slept ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Holy Moley!! I'm talking an entire 12 hours! 8:30 pm to 8:30 am. He awoke happy and goofy and of course ready to eat! Now for momma on the other hand, I was awake much of the night anticipating him waking up any minute.

See the night before we expermimented with the "Cry It Out" method. It was rough, real rough, he wasn't the only one who shed some tears. I can't say we failed, but I'm not sure we were successful either. He cried, well more like whined, for about and hour and a half. Of course we kept checking on him and eventually after he was quite for a little while fed him. David and I think he was on to us, because we were really prepared for last night, we had a plan to go in at 30 seconds, 1, 5, 10 & 20 minutes for as long as it took him to go back to sleep all on his own, but we didn't have to, he chose for himself to just sleep and unswaddled even. Crazy!

Today is Halloween and I can tell you he makes the cutest sack of Taters ever! Sleep well everyone!

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