Saturday, March 27, 2010

9 months stats

Tater turned 9 months old on the 23rd, which was Tuesday! These past nine months have gone by at lightning speed compared to nine months of pregnancy. It's unbelievable how much has changed. He's crawling everywhere, starting to pull himself up and cruise between furniture. He's bumping his head often and I think he'll be walking very soon. He's obsessed with opening and closing things, doors, cabinets, etc. He has dada down great and has started with baba now, still no mama :( But we're practicing! He's waving bye bye and giving LOTS of slobbery kisses. He's a very lovey little boy and has become quite attached to his mommy. His mommy has become quite attached to him as well. What can I say, he's a great little boy, very laid back, happy, content and truley the biggest blessing of our lives.

After three sick visits to the doctor last week, it was nice to go in for a well check-up and see how he is doing. So here's the latest stats:

19lbs. 15 oz.
29 inches
He's in the 40% on weight, 75% on height and 80% on head circumferance.

Poor thing has lost about 2lbs. from the yucky sick bug that paid a visit during the last week. I thought he had lost weight, you can tell in his sweet little baby rolls, that they just aren't as pudgy :( He's been feeling better, so hopefully we'll get that weight back on in the coming weeks.

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