Monday, March 22, 2010

A visit from the sick bug

In my last post I mentioned how busy we've been. Well, we're paying for it now! Poor Tater has been sick for a week with another ear infection and a super yucky stomach bug that had mommy calling the doctor at 3am. We've made three trips to the doctor in the last week, just because I was worried he was getting dehydrated, but he's been a trooper, still has a little yuck and we'll miss another day of school tomorrow, but I think we're on the backside of this sickness. Tater wasn't the only unlucky one to catch the yuck bug, mommy got it too and I don't know if ear infections are contagious, but well she got that too! Daddy had touches of the yuck bug and is doing better also. So it was our first weekend sick, all of us, and I'm glad everyone is feeling better. Really not a fun way to spend time together. But, hey, at least the weather was cruddy too :)

Tater turns 9 months old tomorrow! So, this means one more trip to the doctor this week for a well check-up. Can't wait to get his new stats. I'm pretty sure he's lost weight this week, you can just see some of the baby fat has dissappeared. But don't worry, momma will chunk him right back up as soon as he gets his appetite back!

Now that Tater is crawling, we are finding him in all sorts of silly places. He loves to explore everything and is very fond of opening and closing anything he can, espescially Wiley & Tucker's kennels. He's also learned to pull himslef into a standing position, so cute, but he still loves to play on his knees. I thought you would get a kick out of these pics in the places we've found him.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear that you have all been sick. Bleck!! Love all the pics of your little man. Can't believe how mobile he is and how big he is getting!! Got your message today. Had a great day. Exhausted from all the birthday fun. :-)
