Monday, March 15, 2010

Coming & Going

This may not be the most exciting post, but hey, at least I'm posting something! Shew, I just sat down! These moments are so far and few between anymore. Not only are we trying to keep up with a now mobile Tater (yep, he's crawling!!!), but we thought it was a great idea to fill up every breathing second of our lives with some sort of activity! We are now re-thinking that thought. The last two weeks have been b-u-s-y!!! Here's a run down of a list of things occupying our time the last couple weeks:

- Tater started crawling
- Work, work, work
- Grammy & Papa came to visit for a whole weekend (mom & dad got a date night!)
- Tater started swim class (I've got to figure out how to get the video loaded, he went underwater!)
- Church (we started Dave Ramsey's FPU, going great so far, even cx a vaca to FL to stay on track, now that's commitment)
- Tater's school (I'm on the parents board now)
- Digital scrapbooking (I'm totally addicted & can't wait to get my new creation in the mail!)
- Easter pictures (Tater had pics with live bunnies, waaaay too cute)
- Church (mom's group & Wed. nights)
- Couponing (seriously, I saved $45 at Walgreen's Sat. while spending only $25 on things we use!)
- Playdates & dinner with friends

Well, now that I type out a list of all the activities occupying our time, it doesn't seem so bad. However, everything is on a different night and we literally were not home one single night for 8 days! We finally but the cabosh on things and stayed in one night when we were both supposed to do something, I was supposed to go to a mom's group & David was supposed to play poker. Both things we wanted to do, but it was a great idea to stay in. We felt Tater just needed time at home, to play and unwind and we were right.

We are SO ready for Spring in our house! Since we had Tater in June and we were homebound practically for the entire Summer and we have had a SUPER LOOOOONG Winter, we are ready, NOW! We missed Summer last year, completely and feels as if it has been Winter for 9 months, seriously. So bring on the brisk spring air, walks, longer days, we are ready! It is my favorite time of the year and also the busiest, so while we've been busy already, we know it's getting ready to kick up a notch, so we are prepping now. I'll post some pics very soon, I've got some great ones lately!

Right now, I'm hearing a knocking on the walls from Tater's room, he's awake and learned how to hit his binkie on the crib, it sounds awful through the monitor :)

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