Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I can't wait!

I LOVE Christmas. Other than the month of May, this is my most favorite month. It has snuck up on me this year. Along with all the sickness the first of the month that is still lingering a bit, I've had a hard time getting it all together. This week though things are falling into place and if I could just get the gazillion gifts we have wrapped, I think we'll be good to go!

Twelve years ago to the day almost, my sweet husband proposed to me. Every year we try to re-live the moment by going to dinner at the same restuarant and out to the Precious Moments chapel where he proposed. It's kind of become a little tradition. We didn't make it last year and so far haven't made it this year, but there's still time. I think Tater will get a kick out of all the lights they have displayed there. But, it is a drive for us now, so we'll just wait and see if we make it.

We took in some lights around town tonight and that was really fun. Tater was amazed at all the stuff we saw, we even let him out of his carseat to get a really good view. People really go all out these days. Used to be we were just excited to see houses with Christmas lights, now we expect music and a theme to go with an array of blow up santa's and choo choo trains!

Tomorrow is Tater's half birthday. Yep, 18 months old. So I'll be getting him half a cake and I might just let him open one present :)

I can't wait to share his joy and excitement Christmas Eve and morning. Last year was awesome and this year I know will be even better! Merry Christmas!!!!

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