Sunday, December 12, 2010

Maybe blogging isn't my thing

I've been no good at blogging lately. I can't even remember the last thing I wrote about, I think it was Halloween??? Oh well, let's put the past in the past and I'll get you up-to-date in our world.

- Sold my best friends house. Whew, that was a nail biter! No pressure or anything, but we got it done!!! Now I have another good friends house listed. Real estate has kept me busy.

- Tater got a new playroom! What can I say, he's an only child and if I had to look at those toys lining my living room one more day I was going to go nutso! So now there is a room to contain all the fun. I, however, no longer have an office which is alright because I usually use David's anyway!

- First experience selling on desk & chair! Woohoo! SOLD!

- We enjoyed Thanksgiving at my sisters, it is fun to see Tater with his cousins, he loves to play with them.

- Decorated for Christmas the best I could with a very curious 17 month old.

- Lots of Christmas shopping, that makes my heart smile :)

- Story time has become our favorite Monday morning treat!

- Breakfast with Santa at Tater's school, I'm on the committee and somehow was in charge of the silent auction - it rocked!

- We sent one of our fur babies to live with Aunt Joan :( Super tough decision, but he is getting WAY more attention that way and he's safe from an almost 18 month old who loves to torment him. Still miss my little Tuckaroo. I'll see him soon.

- David's birthday - pretty uneventful I'm afraid to admit, it was a really busy weekend, we had the fundraiser above and went to SDC with his parents. SO cold, but we had a lot of fun.

- More Christmas shopping :)

- We have a new nephew...our ninth! His name is Logan Murphy :) Cute huh? David's step brother's baby.

- We spent three weeks trying to match the existing wood in our home, but instead...WE got new carpet in the upstairs of our house. So exciting, soft, warm and we LOVE it!

- I was sick with strep, Tater has a touch of pneumonia :( and has been sleeping like a 2 week old. Not good for a sick momma, I'm back to praying for a full night of sleep.

- We had a super fun Christmas party for our church group that we facilitate. We are blessed.

- Had Christmas pictures taken a week ago and still haven't seen them, I'm stressing about getting my card in the mail!

- Off to see Santa tomorrow and enjoy a day off with David.

- Finish up Christmas shopping. It has been fun buying for Tater and all our family.

Well there's my list of highlights.

Of course I have a gazillion pictures I could post, but, I don't have the energy at the moment. Let me get back into the groove of things first. Oh and it snowed today! Woke up to thin layer of snow on the ground :)

Oh wait!!! I had to re-share this photo because of how precious it is to me. Tater fell asleep under the Christmas tree last year...he was 6 months old.

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