Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Snow day!

I have to post some pics of Tater's 1st & 2nd snow day. They are adorable. The 1st was Christmas Day, the 2nd was early January. He loved it! Even ate some of the snowball we made for him. Now we just need a little sled so we can pull him around the yard.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Random stuff

I have totally been meaning to get something on here, but we have been busy!

Just when I start to get geared back up and really, I mean REALLY get back to work, I'm faced with a decision! Well, since Tater arrived, decision making has been, hmmm, not so good on my part. I was offered a job by on old employer, without even applying or knowing a job was open! I was flattered. We spent two loooong days agonizing & praying over this decision. To make a long story short, I decided to take this part-time position, but God proved he has other plans for me. When I called to take the position, I was informed that the part-time schedule we had worked out would not work after all for the employer, so I took that as a sign, a sign that I needed to stay right where I was and just get my business geared back up!

So that's what I was ready to do this week. I had a plan, went to the office, was working (and not socializing :) sometimes I like to chit-chat too much with the people in my office). Well while I'm in the "zone" I get a call from Tater's school, another fever :( So, there went my day and the rest of my week, cuz poor guy has a-nother ear infection! I'm thinking it's the original 1st ear infection that never went away, because my son is VERY talented at NOT getting all his medicine down his throat. He's good and I'm not the only person to have tried. So we are now back on a different antibiotic and have developed a new system to get it down that throat!

We are also busy getting our house "baby-proofed." He's up on all fours, ready to take off at any moment! And rolling everywhere! If you have every tried to "gate shop" you know that the options are not really attractive and match hardly any person's decor. So I happen to have a super talented Dad (and Mom, she helped in the design work), who was also worried about how dangerous the stairs are for Tater and this is what he made for us:

Isn't is awesome? We're trying to talk him into starting a business, but he's too busy with the job he has and then he wouldn't have time to make us wonderful things like this.

And just for fun, here are a couple of cute pics of the 7 month old Tater. Such a happy boy!

Today Tater and I went to a baby celebration for our dear friend, Miss Marci, while daddy had a "daddy day." We are super excited to meet the future Mrs. Tater :) Just kidding, no pressure! They'll be great friends. Well, I have to share a couple of pics of the diaper cake we made for her, pretty cute if I say so myself. We had such a great time visiting. Now were just gonna take it easy the rest of the night.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 month stats

Tater had is 6 month check-up today. He's growing like a weed and getting cuter every day. He's such a sweet, good-natured little guy and will melt your heart with his charming smile.

Here's his current stats:
19.5 lbs
28 inches
He's in the 80% on weight, 95% on height and 75% on head circumferance.

So, still above average! The doctor said if he's gonna have rolls, now's the best time. Plus, they are super cute. He looks like he has little rubber bands around his wrists :) I love my little chunky baby! It makes him squeezable, kissable & loveable!

He's learning new things all the time. His latest is clapping his hands and he has to make sure they both line up just right to get the right noise. He's shaking his head, like he's telling you "no." He's started to roll over, back and forth, back and forth. Wears me out watching him. He's pulling his body up and started to balance on his knees, any day now and he'll be crawling, I'm sure. And he is quite the noisemaker. Blowing rasberries, squealing and making some funny hissing noise like a snake. He's very entertaining and he thinks so too, because he's always making himself laugh.

Tater is eating well, still nursing and starting to try new foods. So far he has enjoyed sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas, oatmeal and juice. Tonight we tried sweet peas and yep, he liked those too. Hopefully, he's not as picky as his daddy.

We're still waiting for those toothers to pop through. Any day now.

He was so brave getting his shots. He hugged his puppy as tight as he could and hardly even cried. Such a big boy, made his mommy & daddy proud :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Well with a new year brings new beginnings and those things they call "resolutions." I usually try not to make too many "resolutions" because it's just too much pressure. But, in the past when we've made them we have stuck to them so we have decided again to jump on the bandwagon and make some "resolutions."

We tried to keep it simple. For me, it's to stop biting my nails :) I've done it my whole life and it's a nasty yucky habit I'd love to break. We of course, like everyone else are trying to be healthier, working out and eating well. And lastly, we are trying to cut back on spending and this will be much easier if we quit eating out.

I've been to the gym twice this week so far.

I also started the week with a bunch of new menu items to cook up to help in the healthy eating department. I thought I would share with you a recipe that I discovered on a website called Tasty Planners. We made Slow Cooked Pulled Pork Sandwiches today and it was oh so yummy! I even froze a batch for another day and have enough for another meal this week. Oh and did I mention it was EASY!

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 boneless pork shoulder roast (3 1/2 to 4 pounds), netted or tied
1 can (10 1/2 ounces) Campbell's® Condensed French Onion Soup
1 cup ketchup
1/4 cup cider vinegar
3 tablespoons packed brown sugar
12 round sandwich rolls or hamburger rolls, split

Heat the oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add the pork and cook until well browned on all sides.
Stir the soup, ketchup, vinegar and brown sugar in a 5-quart slow cooker. Add the pork and turn to coat.
Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 9 hours* or until the pork is fork-tender.
Remove the pork from the cooker to a cutting board and let stand for 10 minutes. Using 2 forks, shred the pork. Return the pork to the cooker.
Spoon the pork and sauce mixture on the rolls.
*Or on HIGH for 4 to 5 hours.

My sister has got me on this coupon craze. The goal is to get as much stuff as you can for cheap or FREE or close to it. It has been a challenge but so far, I've made out like a bandit. Wal-greens & CVS are the best. Today I purchased: JIF Peanut Butter, Smuckers Jelly, Quaker Instant Oatmeal, Robitussin Cough Syrup, Visine, Reynolds foil, 3 cans of Progresso soup, Clorox wipes & Clorox toilet bowl cleaner. My total = $14.31!! I saved close to $28!!! Woohoo! Tomorrow, I'm going back to get two children's Tylenol for FREE! Cuz that's the way we roll :) I'm not as good at the deal matching as my sister yet, but I'm getting close. It's amazing how many coupons and deals are out there that you can get if you take a little time.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas = FUN!

Well, finally getting some pics from Christmas on here. It was great. Even though Tater was under the weather. He still loved being around all his family, cousins & friends. Here is a timeline in pictures of our 1st Christmas as a family :)

Christmas Eve-Eve after we returned from the Dr. with an ear infection. Just getting prepped for the activities.

Tater trying to get Wiley & Tucker in the holiday spirit.

Christmas Eve morning. Tater loved all his presents from mommy & daddy. He was a blast, loved opening everything and really acted interested in each present. It was adorable and an awesome memory we will cherish forever.

Christmas Eve festivities at Grandma & PaPa's. He charmed everyone. We had our traditional italian feast. As many of you know my beloved Grandma Ann passed away a few months ago and she was as italian as they get & the best cook. I think we did her proud, everything was delicious!

Our traditional Christmas Eve picture made better this year with Tater!

Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, nother tradition we've done since I was little. It's always a race to blow out the candles first.

Tater had enough Christmas. I think he was ready for Santa.

Christmas morning. Tater was up all night, either from his lingering ear infection or being so excited that Santa was coming, who knows? But, Santa came and brought Woody from Toy Story and a new drum!

Tater playing Santa. Isn't he cute? Once all his cousins arrived Christmas morning, we opened presents, ate breakfast and went home so we could all take a nap and get Tater feeling better.

The day after Christmas we drove to Columbia to be with Tater's other Grandma & PaPa, aunt, cousin & Great Granny & Grandpa.

We ended the day with some more pictures, go figure :) Tater with his cousin, it was his 1st Christmas too, he's 6 weeks older than Tater. They'll be great pals.

We went home that night so Tater could get a good night rest and get better. He's now all healed from the yucky ear infection and cute as ever.