Thursday, January 7, 2010

6 month stats

Tater had is 6 month check-up today. He's growing like a weed and getting cuter every day. He's such a sweet, good-natured little guy and will melt your heart with his charming smile.

Here's his current stats:
19.5 lbs
28 inches
He's in the 80% on weight, 95% on height and 75% on head circumferance.

So, still above average! The doctor said if he's gonna have rolls, now's the best time. Plus, they are super cute. He looks like he has little rubber bands around his wrists :) I love my little chunky baby! It makes him squeezable, kissable & loveable!

He's learning new things all the time. His latest is clapping his hands and he has to make sure they both line up just right to get the right noise. He's shaking his head, like he's telling you "no." He's started to roll over, back and forth, back and forth. Wears me out watching him. He's pulling his body up and started to balance on his knees, any day now and he'll be crawling, I'm sure. And he is quite the noisemaker. Blowing rasberries, squealing and making some funny hissing noise like a snake. He's very entertaining and he thinks so too, because he's always making himself laugh.

Tater is eating well, still nursing and starting to try new foods. So far he has enjoyed sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas, oatmeal and juice. Tonight we tried sweet peas and yep, he liked those too. Hopefully, he's not as picky as his daddy.

We're still waiting for those toothers to pop through. Any day now.

He was so brave getting his shots. He hugged his puppy as tight as he could and hardly even cried. Such a big boy, made his mommy & daddy proud :)

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