Friday, July 9, 2010

Uugh, not again!

Tater has once again, had a fever now for FOUR days! I'm exhausted and need a break! He really has no other symptoms other than being tired and run-down, so we and the doctor decided we'll just wait a couple more days to see if it doesn't go away. The dr. suggested running a couple of tests, but we both agreed that we didn't want to go that route quite yet. So we just wait. Tonight he has been feeling pretty good, we'll see how tomorrow goes.

I've got lots of pics to post. Just haven't had enough energy to download them. I'm behind on making his 9-12 month photobook and haven't even touched his first b-day pics yet. Heck, I just ordered his 9 mth pics from the photographer the same day I had his 1 yr. pics taken. I think they turned out so sweet, I'm really anxious to see them. Oh well, better late than never.

Tater with his new Cozy Coupe car is adorable and he has started saying "Uh-oh" all the time! It's precious...really. Except it's a little hard to get the "oh" out sometimes :)

Well, just thought I'd post a quick update. Good nite!


  1. Kelley!! Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this. You two need a break. I know that must be so hard with little man getting sick so often and for such an extended period of time. I am hoping this is just a phase that you won't even remember when he is 18 months. :-) Sorry girl. Maybe you need to drop him off here one night as soon as he gets better and you and David go out by yourselves. Deal?? You need it.

  2. Awww, your too sweet! We'll defiantly take you up on that offer soon! Hope this rain stays away, we'll see you at swim class tomorrow.
