Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 5th of July!

Since I missed posting on the 4th of July, Happy 5th! We had a wonderful lazy weekend. It was the first long weekend we've had in about 6 months where Tater wasn't sick! Woohoo!! We shopped in Branson, went to the Farmer's Market, helped Grandma & PaPa build a fence, played outside & slept! We were pretty low key for the 4th. For the last 16 yrs. we have spent the 4th with my nephew b/c it's his b-day, but now some family dynamics have changed so for the last couple of years, we haven't been at a birthday party. So this year we had my parents over for some delicious steak & crab legs, fresh tomatoe & mozerella salad and homemade blackberry cobbler. Yummy!! We shot a few fireworks off and called it a day. Tater loved the fireworks, just kept kicking his legs and talking lots while watching them. Tucker on the otherhand hated them. Poor thing shook like a leaf and couldn't relax. It was actually quite sad.

Today we went to our first new water class with a couple of our friends. Daddy was able to go since he was off today and I think it's going to be lots of fun. Tater is the youngest in his class, but is already very advanced with his water skills since he's had a couple of classes before. So that's what we get to do everyday for the next two weeks :-)

Hope everyone had a happy 4th! I must say, I love fireworks, but am so happy to be sitting here not listening to them. It was really sounding like a war zone in our neighborhood.

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