Friday, August 28, 2009

Tater's 2-month Stats

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for Tater's 2-month checkup. Mommy prepped Tater for the appointment, I'm sure he understood! You can't start too young! I thought he deserved to know that he would be getting his shots and that they were to help keep him healthy. I told him I knew he was brave and strong and would do great. He did do great and so did mommy & daddy. So here's the latest stats!

Let's review where Tater began:
June 23
7lbs. 3oz.
21 inches

Two months later:
August 27
12lbs. 7 oz.
23 1/2 inches
He is in the 75% in both height & weight

He had five shots, all super quick thanks to the nice nurse and only a brief period of being upset. He was quickly calmed by mom & dad :)

Oh yeah! And the dr. seems to think it looks like we'll have a blue-eyed handsome boy. She thinks they'll only get lighter. Interesting, since both mom & dad have GREEN eyes! I have been informed that my grandfather & great-grandfather both had beautiful blue eyes. It's so exciting to see him transform into a little person.

Here are some pics of his day:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Two months old!

Tater is officially two months old, as of Sunday anyway. It took me two extra days to realize it! So, we have a big week ahead of us. Two months means we get to go back to the dr. and find out how he's doing. I'm excited to get the latest stats and not so excited, because it also means he'll get his first round of vaccines. :( He's already proved to us how brave & strong he is while he was in the NICU. They did some not so fun things to him there, so I think he'll do just fine.

It's a good thing I guess that I was in such a fog while in the hospital, because looking back I realize I wasn't fully comprehending all that was going on with him (thank God for my mother, once again). Now when I think about our time in the hospital I have many more questions and think how yucky it was that he spent those first five days there. We for sure had a super rough start and mommy is still coping with some things that happened at the hospital. But! He's happy and most importantly healthy!

He has been doing so great. The last couple of weeks I can really see a difference in him and how he is adjusting to life outside his momma. He's starting to get a little personality (I think he's a charmer). He's getting all his kinks worked out and getting on somewhat of a schedule. He eats great and is growing like a weed. We're still breastfeeding despite all the challenges we've had and I think he's getting it figured out. We saw a speech language pathologist and she gave us some exercises to try to get his tongue/suck to work better. We're giving it two weeks.

He's really close to sleeping through the night, I can feel it! Right now he's waking once between 2-4 and is getting better at going back to sleep until sometime between 6 & 8. Although we broke out the swing the other night to buy us a few extra hours of sleep, that is becoming more rare. Poor thing, I feel bad letting him sleep in it for so long, but hey, it works!

That's another funny thing David and I talk about a lot. No one told us all the crazy things they did to get their kids to sleep. The most popular advice we got, was to catch up on our sleep. Well to my pregnant friends, guess what my advice is? Do whatever works in the first few weeks and you'll save yourself some heartache and get some extra sleep at the same time!

Wow !this is becoming a really long blog. I'm sure my three readers are bored to death. If there are more out there, please let me know. I like to know I'm appealing to more than a few people. You can post a comment below the blog and/or you can even become a follower of my blog. It's nice to know your out there anxiously awaiting my next post :)

Next blog to come: 2-month stats and who does Tater look most like? Mommy or daddy? Ha! Who am I kidding? But I'll have a fun comparison.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Poor Wiley :(

As many of you know, David & I are pretty nutso over our puppies. They have been our babies for a long time and are a little spoiled. They are both great dogs and bring us SO much joy. Wiley was my buddy while we lived in California, so far from our family and Tucker is my little snuggler. Before Tater arrived everyone kept saying, "just wait, they won't be your babies once the baby arrives." Well, I disagree, they are still our babies. I still love them and worry about them. They have however, taken a back seat to Tater and are coping with this enormous change rather well. I keep telling them, they are really going to love him once he gets older and can throw those toys! They'll figure it out soon enough.

Well we finally broke down today and decided to use our last resort to end Wiley's barking. We've tried everything, I mean everything and now it's time to get serious. Really it was more David's idea than mine, but we bought him a bark collar. Poor thing. He does not like it and neither does his momma. David on the other hand tried it on himself (such a dork) and thinks it's a little amusing. I admit, I can see why he finds it a little funny, because if you know Wiley, you know he's a great dog, but very stubborn. He isn't an obsessive barker, more like an 'annoying, I got let you know I'm here barker.' He barks when we get off the couch, close our computer, move our arm, say PaPa, door or hello. He also barks when we come home and now that we have a sleeping Tater occasionally, we aren't too happy with the barking. Now if only we can find something to keep Tucker from his obsessive licking...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Same ole' thing

Hello! Sorry for not posting anything sooner. Here I entice you to my new blog with the promise of pictures and lots of updates and then I leave you hanging. It's harder than I thought to "blog" and really there isn't a lot that has changed in one week.

However, we did finally get that uninterupted night of sleep thanks to my parents. (Do you think my mom read my last blog and took a hint?) Either way it was wonderful to sleep! Tater did great at his first sleep-over, there really was no worrying had by mom or dad. We prepped and prepared my parents, but as my dad has stated before, "this isn't our first rodeo" and he's right, tater is grandson #5 for them and they've had their fair share of sleep-overs with our nephews. It's really fun to see them with him and the love they have for him. It makes me appreciate my parents even more now that I have a different perspective as a mommy myself.

On another husband and this new role he has as daddy, has to be the most amazing thing ever! I've just witnessed him confidently swaddle, rock and gently lay Tater in his bed (of course hoping he's really going to go to sleep). I am well aware of how lucky I am to have a husband that equally shares in the responsibility of being a parent. He is a wonderful dad & husband. He is my rock and as I explained to him tonight, I seriously might be in the crazy bin if I hadn't had him the last eight weeks. Not only did he treat me like a princess during pregnancy, he has continued this treatment post c-section and managed to learn all the ropes of being a dad. It's great to see what he comes up with to keep Tater entertained or how excited he is to teach him something new. After just being the two of us for 10 years it's so cool to see him transform instantly and to know that there is nothing he wouldn't do for us.

Sorry I don't have any recent pics this week. See we had borrowed this really awesome camera from our friends Mark & Marci and now when I pull out my little point & shoot camera to snap pics of Tater, it just isn't the same. The lighting looks funny, Tater's cuteness doesn't come alive and so I've been avoiding my camera, hoping that one of those fancy camera's I love will appear and then the pictures can return ;)

Last time I ended my post with a wish of sleep and it came true, so you never know, right? Good nite!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I knew time flew, but please, slow down!

Tater is officially 7 weeks old today. I can't believe it was only a short time ago that he was still growing in my belly. I loved being pregnant and miss the excitement of feeling him move and preparing for his arrival. We've come a long way in 7 weeks, all of us. While pregnancy was wonderful and flattering to me, post-pregnancy hasn't been so kind and I am thankful to see glimpses of my old self appearing. Honestly, the last 6 weeks have been a blur. Adjusting and learning about Tater has been so exciting yet exhausting, therefore creating a state of "survival mode" that we are just now climbing out of. For weeks we've listened to everyone say "It will get easier," I was beginning to lose hope, but, my friends never fail me and they are right, it has gotten a little easier, just a little, but enough to give me sanity! So, how and why does time have to go by so fast? Well in this case it's bittersweet, I want nothing more than for Tater to sleep through the night (in his bed), yet, I want to cherish every moment of his littleness, because I am all to aware that he will grow up too fast. So instead of pushing & praying for the next stage, I have decided to cherish the 3:00 a.m. feedings because they will quickly be gone and we will move on to another new stage with new challenges and all through his life this will repeat. It's exciting to see him grown and change every day. He's has started smiling and cooing, which melts our hearts and makes the last 6 weeks of sleepless nights totally worth it! I hope I'm not giving you the impression that I enjoy sleepless nights. Right now, I would give anything for one uninterupted night sleep. It's been a long time, 11 months to be exact that I have slept peacefully ALL night. And if you know me at all, you know that I love SLEEP! I should be sleeping now actually, so I will leave you with these:

Here I am!

Well I've stepped over to the other side and decided to create a blog! I've enjoyed following several of my friends blogs so much that I decided we needed one of our own. It seems even more necessary now that little man, (who we will refer to as "Tater") has arrived and there are a lot of people who can't be in his life every moment, yet want to know more about him. I hope this blog can reflect our life appropriately and offer you joy, faith & laughter. Check back often, I'll do my best to keep it up-to-date. Love to you all!