Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I knew time flew, but please, slow down!

Tater is officially 7 weeks old today. I can't believe it was only a short time ago that he was still growing in my belly. I loved being pregnant and miss the excitement of feeling him move and preparing for his arrival. We've come a long way in 7 weeks, all of us. While pregnancy was wonderful and flattering to me, post-pregnancy hasn't been so kind and I am thankful to see glimpses of my old self appearing. Honestly, the last 6 weeks have been a blur. Adjusting and learning about Tater has been so exciting yet exhausting, therefore creating a state of "survival mode" that we are just now climbing out of. For weeks we've listened to everyone say "It will get easier," I was beginning to lose hope, but, my friends never fail me and they are right, it has gotten a little easier, just a little, but enough to give me sanity! So, how and why does time have to go by so fast? Well in this case it's bittersweet, I want nothing more than for Tater to sleep through the night (in his bed), yet, I want to cherish every moment of his littleness, because I am all to aware that he will grow up too fast. So instead of pushing & praying for the next stage, I have decided to cherish the 3:00 a.m. feedings because they will quickly be gone and we will move on to another new stage with new challenges and all through his life this will repeat. It's exciting to see him grown and change every day. He's has started smiling and cooing, which melts our hearts and makes the last 6 weeks of sleepless nights totally worth it! I hope I'm not giving you the impression that I enjoy sleepless nights. Right now, I would give anything for one uninterupted night sleep. It's been a long time, 11 months to be exact that I have slept peacefully ALL night. And if you know me at all, you know that I love SLEEP! I should be sleeping now actually, so I will leave you with these:


  1. I'm so glad to see you blogging! It will be fun to see pics and keep up with Tater! Love you!

  2. He is so sweet! Way too cute. I can't wait to meet him. And yes, you are right...cherish the moments. They don't last long. But with that said, every step of the way and every stage holds so many special things and memories. If you are like me, you will say, every stage has been your favorite.
