Friday, August 28, 2009

Tater's 2-month Stats

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for Tater's 2-month checkup. Mommy prepped Tater for the appointment, I'm sure he understood! You can't start too young! I thought he deserved to know that he would be getting his shots and that they were to help keep him healthy. I told him I knew he was brave and strong and would do great. He did do great and so did mommy & daddy. So here's the latest stats!

Let's review where Tater began:
June 23
7lbs. 3oz.
21 inches

Two months later:
August 27
12lbs. 7 oz.
23 1/2 inches
He is in the 75% in both height & weight

He had five shots, all super quick thanks to the nice nurse and only a brief period of being upset. He was quickly calmed by mom & dad :)

Oh yeah! And the dr. seems to think it looks like we'll have a blue-eyed handsome boy. She thinks they'll only get lighter. Interesting, since both mom & dad have GREEN eyes! I have been informed that my grandfather & great-grandfather both had beautiful blue eyes. It's so exciting to see him transform into a little person.

Here are some pics of his day:


  1. I love the new pictures, he is growing so fast! I hope to see you all soon!
