Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Same ole' thing

Hello! Sorry for not posting anything sooner. Here I entice you to my new blog with the promise of pictures and lots of updates and then I leave you hanging. It's harder than I thought to "blog" and really there isn't a lot that has changed in one week.

However, we did finally get that uninterupted night of sleep thanks to my parents. (Do you think my mom read my last blog and took a hint?) Either way it was wonderful to sleep! Tater did great at his first sleep-over, there really was no worrying had by mom or dad. We prepped and prepared my parents, but as my dad has stated before, "this isn't our first rodeo" and he's right, tater is grandson #5 for them and they've had their fair share of sleep-overs with our nephews. It's really fun to see them with him and the love they have for him. It makes me appreciate my parents even more now that I have a different perspective as a mommy myself.

On another husband and this new role he has as daddy, has to be the most amazing thing ever! I've just witnessed him confidently swaddle, rock and gently lay Tater in his bed (of course hoping he's really going to go to sleep). I am well aware of how lucky I am to have a husband that equally shares in the responsibility of being a parent. He is a wonderful dad & husband. He is my rock and as I explained to him tonight, I seriously might be in the crazy bin if I hadn't had him the last eight weeks. Not only did he treat me like a princess during pregnancy, he has continued this treatment post c-section and managed to learn all the ropes of being a dad. It's great to see what he comes up with to keep Tater entertained or how excited he is to teach him something new. After just being the two of us for 10 years it's so cool to see him transform instantly and to know that there is nothing he wouldn't do for us.

Sorry I don't have any recent pics this week. See we had borrowed this really awesome camera from our friends Mark & Marci and now when I pull out my little point & shoot camera to snap pics of Tater, it just isn't the same. The lighting looks funny, Tater's cuteness doesn't come alive and so I've been avoiding my camera, hoping that one of those fancy camera's I love will appear and then the pictures can return ;)

Last time I ended my post with a wish of sleep and it came true, so you never know, right? Good nite!

1 comment:

  1. You do have the perfect parents!!!! Glad things are going so well! Love you!
