Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Tater!

June 23, 2009 at 6:26 pm, weighing 7lbs. 3oz. 21 inches long, our little boy entered the world! It is about 9:40 right now, and it was about this time one year ago that I met him for the first time. I didn't truly greet him and hold him until about 3am the next morning. Wow...we've come a long way. It has been an amazing year.

David and I were reflecting upon the last year the other night. Laughing about all the fun we've had and sharing how much we have all grown. I mentioned that in the last year, we have all received scars. David for having his gallbladder out, me for having a c-section and Tater for the surgery he had. None of us had any scars before. Now I'll admit, David's wasn't quite the same, but all in all it's kind of ironic in my eyes. We've been through a lot the last year and we all have something to show for it, kind of like battle wounds. But, they have all healed and we've healed. We've become a strong family because we have each other to lean on and learn from. I told Tater's story to a girl I know the other day who is expecting her first son. Her reply to me was, "how can you be so positive and sound so calm about all that has happened?" I told her, none of what happened with Tater, whether it was his birth or the surgery was easy. They were both very trying moments, but honestly we have faith and that is totally what got us through. So it proves that no matter what battle your fighting, God is there and his plans are much greater than anything we can imagine.

My hope for Tater this next year well, and forever is health and happiness. I always pray that we will be guided to help him become the person he his meant to be. To help him find his passion. Because, as I've said before, this little guy is a miracle and he is going to do something great!

Enough mushy stuff...(b/c I am printing these posts and one day my son will read them and think I was silly.)

We went to splash time at the pool today and then had a picnic with some special friends. Tater loved the pool. Then we had a little party for Tater tonight. My cake turned out GREAT! Cute & delicious. Tater loved it and he made sure to let me know by smearing it everywhere, I mean everywhere. I gave him a double bath just to get it all off. It was a great memory and we get to do it all again on Saturday! I'll try and get some pics posted soon, I only took a couple hundred ;)

Happy Birthday Tater!! XOXOXO

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