Tuesday, June 8, 2010

We're here!

Oops, I did it again! Hehee. We've just been so busy, really. But we're back! I know I'm going to have so much to post on here soon. Someone has a big birthday coming up and mommy has been consuming her "extra" time planning and prepping. My biggest challenge right now is finishing up his 1st b-day video. It's really for David and I and for Tater one day to watch, but we will show it at his big party. I debated making one, but, I made my nephew one, so got to make my own baby his! It's been fun, but it is time consuming and I haven't had a lot lately!

Thankfully, I've been pretty busy with work selling and listing houses. Yippeee! I wish I could say Tater has just been free from sickness this whole time, but that ain't true. He had tubes put in his ears 3 weeks ago and last week, he got a-nother ear infection! Wait a minute, wasn't that the point of the tubes? That's what I thought, but otherwise, I can tell a big difference in him. He's talking a lot more, I think b/c he can actually hear himself now and he's got much better balance which should help him take off walking any day now, and I do mean any day now. He uses anything he can as a walker, his high-chair or his little table & chairs we bought him, he's quite creative. Almost every morning you can find him in the kitchen with three boxes of ziploc baggies strung out all over the floor, then he moves on to the tupperware cabinet, then the basket of eggs I keep out for him. David has changed his nickname from Tater to "tornado". I just think he's keeping himself occupied, so I'll clean up the mess later.

He's been absolutely precious lately. Waving bye-bye, blowing the best kisses and the cutest is the little hug and pat he gives me almost every time I pick him up from a nap and school. It truly melts my heart and I just hug him as long as he wants. He's also quite social. He waves at anyone, the other morning he just waved himself into church as if he was announcing his arrival to anyone that would notice. I bought myself a journal so I could start writing down everything super cute he does that I know I'll forget one day, then as he gets older I can write down all those funny things he says.

Stay tuned, there's a lot of excitement ahead. I can't believe he'll be ONE! This has really been the fastest year of my life. It's bittersweet :)

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