Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Today is Father's Day. It's David's very 1st and I think he had a great day. Tater made him a cute little handprint picture at school and we got him a golf towel with his picture on it. But the best present was that Tater took his very first steps!!! David was the first to witness and quickly called me in to see for myself, but of course, Tater wasn't walking. So, I was only going to believe it when I actually saw it. So we tried for a while to get him to do it, but of course he wouldn't. Later in the day my parents were over and Tater wanted to show me PaPa's sunglasses so he just walked on over to me. We all cheered and a few tears were shed. Tater didn't even care, he acted like, "what are you people so excited about? You've never seen any walk before?" What a great moment!

The countdown is on. Three days till Tater is ONE! Can you remember what you were doing on this day last year? Well, I can. I was VERY pregnant and we had walked and walked and walked some more to get that little man to arrive. Only to find out on our Drs. appt. Monday, that I really shouldn't have done all that walking because I had very low fluid levels and it had been really hot. I've found myself reminiscing a lot. What hasn't changed in the last year? It's all been for the better. I am excited to celebrate his actual birthday on Wednesday with just a few family members. I want it to be such a happy day for him and us and remember all the good that happened that day, not the yucky scary stuff.

I had planned to purchase him a cake for his birthday, but, now I have the big bright idea to do it myself. So my friend loaned me her cake decorating supplies and I'm going to attempt to bake & decorate a cute little cake for my Tater. I'll let you know how it goes. I also purchased the cutest Happy Birthday banner on and of course a photo op is running through my mind. If it turns out as cute as I think, I'll be sure to share my pics!

Well Happy Father's Day to all you dads. I am blessed to have a husband who is as great of a father as the one I have. The men in my life are great examples to my son and I couldn't ask for anything more!

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