Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lovin' Summer

It has been steamy outside lately. I detest HOT! I would rather be cold any day, really a nice 70 degrees with a breeze is perfection for me, but it's summer, so I guess I'll have to endure the heat for a few more months. Since last year at this time I was about ready to have Tater and then, well once he came I didn't see the outside of my house until summer had passed, I'm in desperate need of some SUN! David and I put Tater out in his little pool in the yard on Monday and he loved it, so I thought I'd give it a try today and soak up some rays at the same time. Not happening. All he wanted to do was get in and out of his pool and he only lasted about 10 min. Oh well, maybe this weekend I'll have a chance to find a pool or something.

In exactly one week, my little 7lb, 3oz. bundle of joy will be ONE! Can. not. wrap my mind around how fast it went by. I finished his first birthday video this afternoon and the grandparents got a chance to preview it. Rave reviews of course! It will be great for him to watch when he gets older. My dad's comment to me at the beginning was "I thought this was about Tater?" My response to him was, "well, dad, we did have a life before he arrived and I'd like for him to see that we were "real people" not just mommy & daddy :) Thank you very much. There was a whole 12 yrs. of pictures I had to sort through, but I did a pretty good job. However, it's a little long, the video I mean, but you know me, picture-a-holic, seriously. I forgot how much work that was when I made my nephews, so it's a big relief for me to have it completed. Now just have to get my head on straight for next weeks festivities. We will be having a small intimate b-day celebration on his birthday, just us and my sis & her family since they won't be able to make it to his BIG party. Then Saturday, all our family comes into town and friends will be here, we are going to Celebrate! I can't wait. I'll be sure to share a few of the hundreds of pics I'm sure I'll take :)

1 comment:

  1. The pics of Cole are breath-taking! Love those eyes! Excited about his party and you video! Yay for Cole turning 1!!
